"If we are to teach compassion for all life
in this world, and if we are to carry on a real campaign against cruelty, and against the destruction of our environment, we have to begin with reaching children." ~ Betsy Seeton |
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"I fully intended to only read this article from SightSavers.org and then sadly delete it and go onto the next news story. But something happened. I put myself in their place. I thought about facing blindness. I thought about how it’s preventable. And then I took their plea for money to heart and chose to give $32 so that 4 people could receive sight saving surgery today." Betsy Seeton ![]() I receive emails from dozens and dozens of non-profit organizations every day. Reading through them with my morning coffee has become a daily ritual. With the new year approaching, the emails have doubled and the pleas for money seem endless. I'm not keeping above water myself these days, but I can't turn a blind eye either and expect help to come from others without reaching into my own pockets at times. I don't set out as a goal to do this, but I'm always learning about new forms of suffering. This morning I learned about trachoma. The word means “rough eye” in ancient Greek. It's a bacterial infection of the eye. It starts out like conjunctivitis aka “pink eye” and left untreated is the leading cause of the world’s infectious blindness. It spreads through direct contact with the infected eye, nose, or throat secretions or by contact with contaminated objects, such as towels or clothes. Certain flies can also spread the bacteria. It strikes in third world countries, often affecting children as young as two years old. It's painful and devastating. It's also preventable. ![]() For as little as $32, you could cover the cost of antibiotic treatments for about 40 people with trachoma, provide 4 people with sight-saving surgery for trichiasis, protect 400 people from river blindness or provide 23 artificial lenses to be used in cataract operations. Sightsavers is an international nonprofit working in some of the poorest countries in the world to restore the sight of blind people, provide medical care to prevent blindness, and promote equality of opportunity for disabled people. "Every five minutes a person loses their sight, yet the majority of blindness could be prevented if health care was available to all. With our partners we save sight and prevent people going blind." Very Sincerely, Betsy Seeton (This is not an advertisement. I make no money from sightsavers.org I truly am telling you about this great organization. I apologize for the other ads sprinkled in. I just started adding ads to see if I can cover any of my expenses. I've done this website for free for three years.) Being healthy is key in life. Take care of your mind, body and spirit.
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By Betsy Seeton
"If we are to teach compassion for all life in this world, and if we are to carry on a real campaign against cruelty, and against the destruction of our
environment, we have to begin with reaching children." -- Betsy Seeton FOR ALL