"If we are to teach compassion for all life
in this world, and if we are to carry on a real campaign against cruelty, and against the destruction of our environment, we have to begin with reaching children." ~ Betsy Seeton |
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THIS IS ONE MESSAGE YOU'LL WANT IMPRINTED IN YOUR MIND SO THAT YOU WILL NEVER BE TEMPTED TO TEXT & DRIVE texting photo by Blueskkies It's a very well done video that's hard to watch, but please honor those who have died by hearing this message. I have such respect for the courage of the real life people who came forward to take part in this video campaign so that others might learn from lessons that have come at the loss of so many lives. Writing just the letters: LOL killed someone. You're 23 more times likely to get into an accident if you're texting. Please watch. Pass it on. VIDEO CREDIT:Posted by The Waking Circle
By Betsy Seeton
"If we are to teach compassion for all life in this world, and if we are to carry on a real campaign against cruelty, and against the destruction of our
environment, we have to begin with reaching children." -- Betsy Seeton FOR ALL